May 9, 2014


Guys, I just don't know what to say about life lately except that God is good.
Sometimes God's good for us includes trouble and suffering, and sometimes His good for us includes peace and provision. And sometimes it's a mixture of both. Right now Jeff and I are in a season of experiencing that peace and provision.
Now, don't go getting too jealous, cause we're certainly not in a state of perfection.
But we would be remiss if we didn't give God praise for His works.

Last week I started my new job. A PERFECT job working for people I like, pretty much choosing my own hours, and getting paid more than I've ever gotten paid for a job in my life. And it was the only job I had to apply for, and it came at just the right time... before I started pulling my hair out from staying home all the time. Thank you Lord!

Also last week God provided us with a used Jeep Grand Cherokee Laredo, older, but in good condition, and in our price range. Just what we wanted for our camping/exploring/adventures! And finally, God provided a person to back into Jeff's old Ford Escort and total it! We had been planning to sell it after getting the Jeep, but instead we are getting more for it than we paid for the Jeep. Thank you Lord!

Let us rejoice in the circumstances in which we presently find ourselves. Good or bad. Yes, it is much harder to rejoice in bad circumstances. But right now I am enjoying rejoicing in gracious circumstances. Because RIGHT NOW is my favorite. Being married to the man I love is my favorite. Having a hard little midget of a couch is my favorite. Going to bed and waking up in a cold basement is my favorite. Because it's US and it's NOW. Saturdays are my favorite. Because we get to go wherever we want and do whatever we want. We mostly go exploring. Exploring is my favorite. Here are some pictures from our last exploring trip.

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